Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I NEED SLEEP. I only have a couple weeks left on midnight shift and I can't wait. This past week my sleep schedule has gotten messed up and I'm not getting very much sleep. I usually get home just after 6 am. Normally I would sleep until after 1pm, but this past week I've been waking up before noon. It's beginning to catch up with me. By the time I get a couple days off, I spend most of my time trying to rest up from the lost sleep during the week. I have been getting to spend about an hour or two a day on my project, so that's a positive look on the lack of sleep. Wonder how much sleep I'll get today.......

Monday, September 08, 2008

My Newest Project....

Well I have taken on a new project. My wife calls it my jungle gym. It's going to have four different platforms, each being 6 feet by 6 feet in size. The first platform is four feet off the ground and the highest will be about 16 feet off the ground. I am building it to where you climb up to the top using the platforms. I will probably also place boards horizontal across one side of the tallest area spaced apart so they can be climbed up the side. On the other side of the tallest area will be a solid wall where I can rappel down. I'm still trying to finalize my plans, I'm making this up as I go. So I'm not quite sure what all I'm going to with it yet. My brother-in-law suggested I put some man made hand holds on one wall for some rock climbing. I also would like to place another post of to one side with a beam so I can hang a climbing rope.

The tower, as I call it, is made of 5 by 5 post. The four tallest ones were 20 feet, with about a foot or more concreted into the ground. Talk about a chore. Try standing a 20 feet 5 by 5 post by yourself. I'm a little sore from working on it, but it'll be great once its done. So far I've spent about 12 hours working on it. I'll try and post some more pictures as I get more done, which wont be real quick since I'm on midnights right now.

It's funny that my wife sees a play toy and I see a training tool........

Thursday, September 04, 2008


I usually don't say much about religion, but there's been a lot of talk about it at work lately and my sister called me yesterday to ask my opinion about a religious question she had. You could debate this subject until the end of time and you would never get everyone to agree. Which I myself believe is the way it was meant to be. My own personal belief is that we come here to be tested. I say "come here" because I also believe it was our choice to take this test. But in this test everyone has the right to choose. Religion is not a dictatorship. We do have rules to follow, but we are not forced to follow them. Some people in religion believe that we humans have the right to pass judgment on others. I hate to burst their bubble, but we don't. A "church" should be there for everyone without passing judgment, just guidance. Now to answer your question, no I don't go to church, haven't in quite a while. Does that make me less of a religious person... Who knows, but that will be a question to be answered between me and my maker.........

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Time To Make Some Changes....

I feel that lately my personality has "evolved" to the point that I have forgotten some of the teachings and beliefs that I have had in the past. I have always in the past been a firm believer that Perseverance is one of a person's most valued trait. As of late I have not Persevered very well in keeping my emotions in check. So I believe that it's time for some life changes. First off I need to get back into a regular workout schedule (This one I have been working on. I'm back on a kettle bell routine). Next I need to start training again in TAEKWONDO. In looking back while training I had a better "balance". I feel that if I start with these two items the rest will fall into place. But first I will have to Persevere... Also getting some regular sleep would help.......

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


So can evolution be seen on a smaller time scale? Do we as humans evolve during our short lifetimes?

As we grow we are said to mature. Could it not as easily be said that we "evolve" into an adult? One thing I have noticed is that as I have "evolved" in my lifetime, I am able to deal with the general public easier. When I was younger, I hated to be around large groups of people and would avoid it at as much as possible. Now it is not a problem. Did I just become used to being around people or did my mind evolve to where it does not bother me anymore?

Just food for thought....

Monday, September 01, 2008

One's Personal Evolution...

Before I've always thought of evolution on a larger scale, but lately as I am getting older I've been beginning to think about evolution on a more personal level. Recently I was able to view a recording of myself that was taken some 18 years ago. It really opens one's eyes to how much you have changed over the years. I noticed even over the past few years, my personality has evolved. I haven't much time right now, but am I on the right track thinking that evolution can be seen on a personal level? Be back on this one later....