Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Time To Make Some Changes....

I feel that lately my personality has "evolved" to the point that I have forgotten some of the teachings and beliefs that I have had in the past. I have always in the past been a firm believer that Perseverance is one of a person's most valued trait. As of late I have not Persevered very well in keeping my emotions in check. So I believe that it's time for some life changes. First off I need to get back into a regular workout schedule (This one I have been working on. I'm back on a kettle bell routine). Next I need to start training again in TAEKWONDO. In looking back while training I had a better "balance". I feel that if I start with these two items the rest will fall into place. But first I will have to Persevere... Also getting some regular sleep would help.......


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