Saturday, March 17, 2007

It's Been A While.....

I haven't gotten to post in quite a while. No excuses, I've just been preoccupied with other things. Spending a lot of time on Ebay. Plus I've been on midnight shift (11:00pm-7:00am) so I haven't been totally together. My schedule usually consist of getting home around 7:30am - 8:00am and then sleeping till around 12:30pm - 1:30pm and then heading to the gym to work out for about an hour and a half. Then it's back home to have supper with the family and then lay around and try to take a nap before I head back to work at 10:00pm. The week-end is a little different since I don't go to the gym, but most of my time I feel like I'm in a haze, never totally awake and alert. Good thing is only two more weeks and I'll rotate to 3:00pm - 11:00pm and maybe I'll get some better sleep.

Today, actually yesterday, Friday, we had SWAT training. My morning started at around 5:30am getting ready for the day and then once we started we went on a two mile run and then the rest of the day was spent doing live fire drills with long guns. My legs are starting to get stiff this morning.

Will try to start back posting more often..........


Blogger April said...

I've been having trouble finding time to post myself, but I'm glad you're back and everything is okay. It's weird, but you kinda start to worry a little when you don't hear anything from your fellow bloggers for a while. :)

3:12 PM  

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