Thursday, September 04, 2008


I usually don't say much about religion, but there's been a lot of talk about it at work lately and my sister called me yesterday to ask my opinion about a religious question she had. You could debate this subject until the end of time and you would never get everyone to agree. Which I myself believe is the way it was meant to be. My own personal belief is that we come here to be tested. I say "come here" because I also believe it was our choice to take this test. But in this test everyone has the right to choose. Religion is not a dictatorship. We do have rules to follow, but we are not forced to follow them. Some people in religion believe that we humans have the right to pass judgment on others. I hate to burst their bubble, but we don't. A "church" should be there for everyone without passing judgment, just guidance. Now to answer your question, no I don't go to church, haven't in quite a while. Does that make me less of a religious person... Who knows, but that will be a question to be answered between me and my maker.........


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