Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'm Sore Today....

Well yesterday at the gym we decided that after our regular work out we would do some weighted squats and then finish with some windmills with the kettlebells. The squats went fine, as did the windmill, but we used the 54 pound kettlebell while doing the windmills and did two sets of 10 reps with each arm and then a set of 8 with each arm followed by a set of 6 with each arm. At the time I was feeling pretty good and I was even able place my palms flat on the floor.
Today when I woke up and went to get out of bed it was a different story. It started out as just a little stiffness in my sides and shoulders. After an hour of grocery shopping with my wife it became sore and was painful to walk around the store. Finally I believe I have worked most of the stiffness out and maybe tonight at work it'll be alright.

While doing the windmills yesterday I made the comment "this is going to hurt tomorrow", little did I know I was psychic........


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