Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Intelligence vs Instinct.

Is it better to have more intelligence than instinct? We as humans have over the years gained intelligence and given up some of out basic survival instincts. Yes it is good to have intelligence, we have learned so many things that help us survive, but if a major event happens and most of the modern day technology is not available to us how long could we survive on our own? Most animals today survive in the wild without any or little intelligence. In the wild you must have instincts or you will not survive. If you were able to take an animal and suddenly give it intelligence and turned it back loose in the wild, do you think it would survive or would it try to use it's newfound intelligence and give up the basic instincts that had helped it survive in the past?
I've always said that thinking will get you killed. Now not in all cases, but when it comes to a sudden life or death decision, the instinctive decision will be quicker than the intelligent one any day. The reason being that if you react by instinct your body will take over and do what needs to be done to survive, if you try to think about it, your reaction time will be slow and unsure because the brain will be trying to comprehend everything that is going on and at the same time will be trying to rationalize your actions. The human has basic survival instincts, we have over the years replaced those instincts with intellect, that's what I believe separates us from the animal kingdom. When it comes to everyday life we, humans, tend to use our intellect to guarantee our survival, where animals depend on instincts. So go out and use your intellect, but remember that if needed you do have some instincts.......


Blogger Katrina said...

I'd like to believe it's better to strike a balance between both intellegence and instinct. Instinct helps us survive - let's us know that we need to eat, sleep, and fight for our lives but intelligence helps improve our situation, helps us get out of sticky problems and the like. We cannot be completely dependent on just one, because each has its own positive contribution to our well-being. :)

3:23 AM  

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