Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Rocky Training Exercise

Well just recently I had a "training exercise" in which all serenity was lost on my part, luckily not for long. But, just like I always say, "once something hits the atmosphere you can no longer control where it goes". So I have some chaos running loose in the world and no longer have control of where it goes or who it affects. Not a real good thought. The training exercise was not a total loss, I did come away from it with more knowledge of myself and also of some other people in which I am around from time to time, so that's good knowledge to have for the future. The best way to win a confrontation is to have knowledge of how a person will react to a certain situation and to use that knowledge to your advantage and win the confrontation before it even begins. The only bad thing is that I let go of my "disturbed mind" for that short moment and now the person that I have knowledge on also has knowledge on me. So I'm going to have to work a little harder at making sure I don't relinquish any of my weakness' to anyone and keep my eyes and ears open to learn a little more about theirs.
So as you begin your next "training exercise" just remember to think, "is losing my temper and turning loose my disturbed mind worth giving someone that little bit of knowledge of how I'm going to react to their test?"


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