Monday, January 30, 2006

Serenity Lost??

Serenity: Derived from serene - untroubled; tranquil (calm; quiet and motionless).
Is Serenity lost in todays world, not totally. I am by no means a scholar or a prophet, but I believe that Serenity is not lost, just misplaced from time to time. To me serenity is a state of mind, in which each individual has control of. Now for some a state of serenity would probably be sitting on a beach some where with no thoughts of money or everyday life troubles, where others in todays society would find the thought of being on a beach as total chaos.
As you see serenity must be found by you and it is not something that can be bought and given as a gift. So each day we must trudge forward and find are serenity in our day to day life, for me sometimes serenity is very elusive, but it all comes down to how bad I really want to be in a state of serenity at that time. And there is also days when being a bad mood with the world is a state of serenity, but that will be something to discuss later, because today I AM GOING TO BE IN A STATE OF SERENITY.


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