Thursday, February 09, 2006

A Bottle Full of Chaos.....

Well today I'm going to tell you a little about myself in order for you to understand what I came to realize the other day while doing work. I'm on the local SWAT team where I live. My role in the team is perimeter. I've been with the team for about six months and I must say that in those six months I've learned more than I probably have in the last two years, it's been a great experience thus far. Enough of that. Just recently I got to be involved in my first call out with the team, as you could guess the adrenaline level was high. Being perimeter I was to be placed in the lead vehicle and was to be one of the first to come onto the property, and was to deploy a diversionary devise, more commonly known as a "flash bang", in the front as I was going to the rear of the structure if people were present, if not I was to deploy the "bang" at the rear of the structure. As I came onto the property there was no one at the front so I continued to the rear, avoiding a rather "pissed off" rottweiler who was trying to chew through the fence of his pen. Once I was at the back of the structure I deployed the "bang" and the entry team began their entry deploying more "bangs" inside, taking everyone inside into custody without incident. By the way the dog decided he didn't want anything to do with me after the "bang" went off, so he just stayed inside his doghouse until we left.
Now with that said, it occurred to me later that night while listening to the members of the entry team say that the "bangs" had caused such confusion to the people inside the structure, that they did not even attempt to react to the entry teams entrance that this small devise we carry with us is simply a "bottle full of chaos" in which we as SWAT members can pour out on the world at any given moment, when needed of course. I know some of you out there are thinking, boy these guy's think they can do anything they want, well we can't. Just like any of us that turns chaos loose on the world, we have to answer to any wrongs that we cause by turning chaos loose. There are certain rules that we must follow and abide by. So as you go about your day to day life, just remember to follow the rules, because if you don't, someone like me might come into your life and pour chaos all over your world.........


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