Friday, February 03, 2006

Reaching a Goal.

Yesterday I reached a goal that I had set for myself six months ago, talk about being in a state of serenity. It felt great. Having goals in life is very important, now you don't want to go out and set yourself some goal that is unobtainable. I know some of you are thinking, "anything is possible when you put your mind to it". And I agree with that, but some times you have to be realistic. The trick to setting goals in life is to remember "the balance". If you go out and set goals for yourself that would take your whole life to accomplish it will be easy to lose site of those goals. I'm not saying give up any long term goal, I'm just saying that it is good to know you have done something, so keep your long term goals, but also give yourself some short term goals. By setting small short terms goals you can keep yourself motivated by reaching them and before you know it you have reached your long term goals.
So go out and reach for the stars, just remember to bring them down one at a time......


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