Tuesday, July 18, 2006


For some reason I'm having trouble uploading pictures from my vacation, so bear with me and maybe I'll be able to get some posted before long.
Yesterday it was back to the gym, it went alright I was able to bench press 205lbs but had to have help when I tried for 225lbs. Oh well, guess I'll have to keep at it. By the time we left my arms were stiff. I was afraid they were going to be sore today but so far so good.
This morning I was up before 7:00am and on the roof of my shed trying to get some shingling done before it got hot, it didn't take long. I believe the highs are suppose to be near 100 today, yesterday I saw the bank thermometer was at 98 degrees. I'll go into the gym at 2:00pm today and then late tonight maybe I can do some more work on the shed when it cools off a little.
I was able to get my truck fixed, again, while I was on vacation. This time it was the starter, no big deal only $250.00 to fix. Good thing it's paid for.
I noticed that this is my 99th post so I guess I'll have to think for a while on my 100th and post something a little more interesting, we'll see.........


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