Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well as you know, my mind starts thinking on the latest thing that I've heard about. The other day I heard that some one was "love sick" so as you could guess, that is what I have been thinking about. I have also heard it said that "it was love at first site". I personally don't think that can be possible. You might be physically attracted to some one at first site, but how could you just by site alone decide that a certain person would be your "true love"? For a "true love" is some one that you have an inner connection with and that is not possible by site alone, it takes time getting to know one another.
Back to being "love sick". It is funny how something that is suppose to make a person happy can have such bad effects on them when the other person's love in return is unknown. A person will lose sleep, can't eat, will have a hard time thinking straight and will some times even go into a depression.
The bad thing is that love is the one emotion, that I feel like, a person has the hardest time controlling. A person can control their emotions, but love always will strike a person from the blindside and they will not know what hit them until it is too late. Love can do different things considering the outcome of the other person's reaction to one's love for them. A person in love with some one that returns their love will become a better person and will find a certain balance in life, whereas a person who's love is rejected will generally fall into chaos and will believe that the world is coming to an end. All of us are different and will react to certain situations differently. Some will be able to overcome a rejection while others will struggle with that rejection for the rest of their life.
Luckily for me I have found my "true love" and that person returned my love and we have been now married for 13 years, so I believe that has a great effect on my balance with the universe.
Last thing and then I'll stop rambling. For those of you that have not had children, get ready that is a whole different level of love, one for which there is no getting over. Kids are precious and will always be in the heart of the parents no matter what, there is no getting away from it, not that you would want to.........


Blogger Unknown said...

Well said, Tanis. :)

Very insightful, and I agree with you, especially on the point that love is a hard emotion to control.

I'm sure that love can be wonderful, and I believe with all my heart that true love exists. I'm just hesitant to "get involved" with anyone again because I went through a really bad breakup in my last relationship. Even though it was a mutual breakup, and even though it took place over a year ago, and even though I know he wasn't the one for me, there's hardly a day that goes by that I don't think about it.

8:22 PM  

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