Thursday, April 20, 2006


Well it's been almost a week since SWAT school and the last of the bruises is just about gone. During school we were introduced to a new workout program called Crossfit, which I added a link to on my blog. We have been doing the crossfit program this week, talk about wearing you out, our workouts used to be about two hours long and now they are running between 1/2 hour to an hour. The workouts are shorter but when we get done I'm more tired than I would be after a regular two hour workout and I've also been sore every morning this week, which doesn't say a whole lot since I always seem to be a little sore (guess it's the age).

While at school I was given a new nickname by the guys. "The Iceman", though I don't see myself as a iceman. I guess I was able to keep my feeling masked during the school, except once one of the guys told me they could see that I was getting a little irritated. I do like to be in control of my emotions, so I guess by receiving that nickname it shows that I was able to keep them in check fairly well. Good thing people can't read minds though, cause during the school mine was always racing, wondering what my next move was going to be. By the end of the week we were so deprived of sleep that you couldn't keep your mind focused clearly. It was weird knowing that your mind was not clear while at the same time not being able to do anything about it. At one point I went into a rant about how long I had worked in construction. The whole time I was talking I was thinking, "what the hell are you doing" but was unable to stop myself from rambling on. I also went on a talking spree for about two hours which is very unusual since I always say that you learn more by listening and that I am normally quiet and will not say too much.

All in all the school was a great experience. I believe that you only gain wisdom through age and experience and I believe that all of us at school gained some valuable wisdom to use in our lives. For me personally I found out that I can control my emotions even in a stressful environment, so hopefully in the future the "Iceman" won't have a meltdown........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, Tanis.

I wish you were on LBPD Westside division this week when I called 911! I would've felt a lot safer, and who knows maybe you would've gotten the guy.

Anyway, get some rest, you deserve it!

5:58 PM  

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