Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Growing Up.......

Well Sunday while I was at work my wife called me and told me that our oldest daughter, who is 16 years old, was wanting to go to the movies with the boy that she's been talking with for about the last three weeks. The bad thing was she was wanting this boy to come and pick her up and drive the two of them to the movies. My wife said it was alright with her as long as they were going to the movies and then right back home. My inner dad voice was screaming Hell No!!!!, but I went along with my wife and agreed to let her go. I hung up the phone feeling like I had just received a death notification. I did see them going through town while I was patrolling. The boy was driving fine, so that helped to ease the worry a little. All and all the boy seems fine, it's just that my little girl is growing up and I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet. Seems like she should still be five years old. At least she will still talk to me. I guess no matter how old your child gets, you'll still see them as your baby. Worst thing is that by the time I probably get through the initial shock of my oldest daughter dating, my youngest daughter (who is 12) will probably want to start. How can something so precious as children cause so much turmoil in one's life.................


Blogger April said...

I'm NOT looking forward to the teen years. I'm afraid. Very, very afraid. My daughter is only 7 and is already talking about boys. SCARY!!!!

Good luck! Just try to remember that WE survived the teens years and, presumably, so did our parents. Hopefully it will all work out! ;)

4:27 PM  
Blogger Katrina said...

I've got brothers younger than I am by three years and the thought of them courting some girl seems so preposterous - that I couldn't swallow the thought. Although when I was his age (which was not so long ago), I used to think that if you're not part of the couple-couple thing, you're totally in outer space.

My mom doesn't like me going out with boys without any chaperon (even asking my younger sister who is just 10, to accompany us - completely embarassing). I guess, it's just a question of how much you trust your kid to make the right decision because eventually she'd have to be responsible for herself. I'm not a parent that's why I'm not really in a position to say. I guess, just cherish the moments and your times together, bond, because growing up would entail more changes and need for independence. :D

Hoping you the best! Take care!

11:34 PM  
Blogger Tanis said...

Thanks for your comments. My kids go off to school everyday without me being around, but going on a date just feels different. I feel my daughters have good heads on their shoulders, but with my line of work I get to see all the bad things that can happen and that's what worries me the most....

8:28 AM  

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