Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Change of the Season.....

Well the season is starting to change and along with it came the time change. Ever since we rolled our clocks back an hour, a full nights sleep has eluded me. Most nights it's all I can do to stay awake past 8:00pm. Then once I go to sleep, I'm usually up by 3:30am and then I just lay there until it's time to get up. It would be a little different if I had something on my mind, but I don't and so I just lay there thinking about how bad I'd like to go to sleep. I hate time change, it messes me up every time. Bad thing is once I start to get use to it, we'll have to change back. Oh well, at least I'm getting some sleep, on average about 4-5 hours a night, what else could you ask for.............


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