Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's A Negative World....

Have you ever noticed how the human mind will always look to the negative in a situation before searching for the positive. Also when a person will give some one a compliment it's always dismissed. You know the phrases, "yeah right" or the ever popular, "you're just trying to be nice", that you hear in response to a genuine compliment. But at the same time, you give a person a negative comment, even when it's clearly a joke, and a person will take it to heart and it will always be in the back of the mind laying in wait to surface at the right, or wrong, time.
They have always said that "opposites attract", so could the human brain actually be working on a positive note therefore more easily attracted to the negative things in the world while rejecting the positive?
I am always talking about the balance in the universe, so if a person, myself included, is always taking in the negative and rejecting the positive they are destroying their own balance. So I believe it's time to start regaining some balance and try to be more open minded to the positive and restore some of my own balance in the universe.
What would the world be like if it were the opposite and people took compliments to heart, dismissed the negative comments and looked for the good in everything instead of the bad? Most people can't even imagine the world that way, can you..........


Blogger Katrina said...

I guess, it's a certain humility in a person that shys away from well meant compliments, and although they may say some words of disbelief or dismissal, doesn't mean that the compliments were in vain. Sometimes people are just not used to being praised. And although it is not often repeated, it's something kept in heart.. but usually easily overshadowed by stronger emotions (as the intial outbursts of hate and self-rejection.. but it cannot be denied that in times of euphoria the opposite may occur)

On the other hand, people who take negative comments, criticisms to heart are just reacting to the sudden blow/ realization of something they've never really ventured into and thus in the event that such a comment emerged, they find it imperative within their person to somehow fix it - internal baggage...

Iono.. just thinking:)

take care!:)

10:44 AM  
Blogger JB said...

The world would be a better place.

10:29 PM  

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