Monday, August 07, 2006

Out of Balance.....

Things have been busy around here. I've been talking with one of my old instructors and am in the process of joining up with the ELITE Martial Arts Alliance. I'll be able to keep my 2nd Degree ranking, which is good since it took approximately 3 years to get it. I have even been ask if I would be interested in teaching some. Meanwhile at the gym I was finally able to bench 225lb on flat bench and 235lbs on decline, which is the goal I set for myself when I began a year ago.
But, even though things seem to be going well, I can't quite get myself into a good balance. Right now I'm not a very much peace with the world. Things seem to agitate me easily and my patience is not what it used to be. Maybe it's the heat, it has seemed that everyone else has been a little "out of balance" lately, we've been covered up at work for the last two weeks.

I know that soon this feeling will pass, but for now I need to work on my balance and take back my serenity...............


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